Bypassing Websense or other proxy-filter  

Posted by ViMaL in

Hi World!

I guess people smarter than me would have already figured this workaround for Fortiguard/Websense.

Kannan and Unmesh, my roomates had much trouble checking email/browsing from office.

Kannan could not bear it any longer when he saw the DBA at his office check Yahoo! Mail.
It is very important for him to check his personal mailbox, atleast twice, everyday.
Now, dont ask me why? Kannan, I didnot tell anybody!

Last night he was restless and told me I have to find a way out, at any cost.

Hacking Fortiguard was way too far...

I was on Google, trying the Language tool, when I figured this out.

If you use Google Language tool to translate a webpage to english, the output will be this webpage routed through Google(and of course translated).

In other words, your Proxyfilter will see the request being directed to Google, a trusted IP, and allow you to browse...and thats bypassing!!!

Check this URL :

Thats when I accessed Yahoo! Mail from Google, bypassing WebSense (((non-sense)))

All the best Kannan! Keep your fingers crossed.

NB: This works only if your proxy-filter lets you Google.

Another work around is available at this web-page.

You can set up this at your home, and use the proxy address at work.

There are a hundred proxy addresses avialable that is not listed in your websense.,, etc.

The Websense Admin might be updating the list over the weekend, so keep a new proxy URL ready for every week ;).

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